Four horseman revisited

There are four horsemen of the apocalypse: Famine, Pestilence, War, and Death. Do you know what pestilence means? Hideous infectious disease. Pestilence was first called Conquest. I don’t know the philosophical implications of that, but I think it’s funny.

You would think Death would get the black horse, and you would be wrong. That belongs to Famine. Death rides the pale horse. Pestilence on white and War on red makes way more sense. I love to read things I don’t believe and know them better than people who do. Cherubs aren’t fat little babies, they’re three-headed monsters with heads of a lion, eagle, and human. Angels don’t have wings. And the only time the devil manifests in the world as a tangible creature is as a serpent to Eve in Genesis. No horns, no red suit, no pitchfork. Usually just a disembodied voice. #smallpoxblanket #dismemberinglahui #alohabetrayed

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